Newcastle Coal Miners’ Cemetery, Part II
Share Part II: Stories, Stones, and Symbols Note: This article is the second half of Newcastle Coal Miner’s Cemetery. Newcastle Cemetery headstones bluntly attest to the difficult mining life and temporary respite offered by various brotherhood communities. Thanks to the ring of trees protecting the site, most of the carvings have escaped the inevitable Pacific Northwest erosion. William […]

Snapshots: Ada’s piano
Share Little is known about this marker raised… “…In sweet memory of Ada, beloved wife of W. H. Plachy. July 10, 1869 – July 22, 1895” Ada was 26 years old when she died. Her husband was a civil engineer and the first water pipeline surveyor for the Seattle area. Note: the piano shown is […]

Newcastle Coal Miners’ Cemetery
Share Part I: The Hidden History The next time you fly into Seattle at night, look east beyond the twinkling street lamps and Interstate 405’s golden traffic ribbon. Smack in the middle of evening suburbia is a vast, ragged expanse of pitch black. There are no lights here and if local legislators keep getting their […]