Comet Lodge Cemetery: Limbo Part II
Share Part II: From 1938 to present day In 1938, Odd Fellow members still owning cemetery land parcels fell behind in property tax payments. The county foreclosed and became, whether through design or accident, the new owner of Comet Lodge Cemetery. For the next fifteen years, questions over what was purchased, restoration permissions, and street widening ordinances, […]

Comet Lodge Cemetery: A century in limbo
Share Part I: From the beginning to 1931 Maybe it was the greed or a need to sweep political embarrassment under the proverbial rug. Perhaps it’s simply an old Indian curse on those foolish enough to disturb a sacred burial site. Whatever the reason, this cemetery has suffered a century’s worth of indignities including abandonment, […]

Snapshots: Before the Air Force…
Share ….there was the Army Air Service. The United States Army Air Service was the forerunner of the Air Force and established in May, 1918 after the United States entered World War I. The first U.S. aviation squadron to reach France was the 1st Aero Squadron, an observation unit, which arrived in France in September, […]

Snapshots: The Spanish Mason
Share Check out all the relief carvings behind the statue (ladder, shovel, compass, level, etc.). If this isn’t an example of a Mason, then I don’t know what is.

Snapshots: The mailman
Share Martin W. Hubbard was the first postmaster of Hubbard from 1850 – 1887. Hubbard started his work career as a logger before becoming the postmaster. Local mail was distributed from his home and any mail heading to Seattle, was rowed across Lake Washington. Interestingly enough, research has shown that most loggers at that […]

Illegible headstones? There’s an app for that
Share Popular consensus seems to be that cell phones are far too prevalent in daily life. Tweeting, texting, music, surfing, games – the list is endless. Some might even say phones have become more toy than tool. Aside from basic functions and some photo capabilities, it’s certainly not much help in old graveyards, right? Well, […]