Newcastle: Little Giant of the Eastside

September 9, 2014 – February 7, 2015

The Renton History Museum joins forces with the Newcastle Historical Society to present a history of coal mining and its significance to the Greater Seattle area. By the late 1890s, coal mining had made Newcastle the second largest town in King County, second only to Seattle. Pacific Coast Coal Company put its mark on Newcastle in ways that Renton never experienced. When the company left Newcastle after a miners’ strike, many Newcastle residents moved to Renton. Come learn about how different neighboring coal mining towns can be in this fascinating look at another Eastside city.

Renton History Museum
235 Mill Ave S, Renton, Washington 98057

Bob Cerelli‘s photographs of the opening night of the Newcastle exhibit at the Renton History Museum, September 9, 2014

One Response

  1. Mark Switzer
    Mark Switzer February 23, 2025 at 5:31 pm | | Reply

    So much rich history about the NewCastle coal mines . Today , only a few of the old structures remain including the historic Baima house which is well preserved . I hope that they will preserve what’s left of the old town for others to enjoy !!

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